Academic Programming provided in association with
University of Miami’s George Feldenkreis Program in Judaic Studies
Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies.

6-Week Conversational Yiddish Online Course
Moderated By Avi Hoffman and Professor Miriam Hoffman
“It was fun. Thank you for a delightful course.” – P. Fisher
“A fun and valuable experience.” – D&J Opatow
Due to popular demand, we have added more Yiddish language classes. Class meets every week for 6 weeks on Zoom.
“I love this course soooo much! Your class takes me home.” – B. Milgraum
A 6-week conversational Yiddish online course utilizing the curricula and materials developed by Columbia University Professor Miriam Hoffman and under the guidance and direction of her son, renowned actor and course professor Avi Hoffman, connecting the academic roots of the Yiddish language with its incredible contributions to mainstream modern culture.
This hands-on course emphasizes the humor and depth of the Yiddish Culture and encourages the course participants to personally engage in the material.
“It has been an honor and a privilege to learn the Yiddish language and Yiddish culture, in your class. The classes have been delightful, nostalgic and meaningful…You added Yiddish music, poetry, comedy, art and history to enrich the curriculum. Thank you for your work, effort and dedication in preserving Yiddish for this generation and for future generations.”
– L. Harris
Speakers & Curriculum
YI can provide Speakers, Lecturers and local educators with Jewish Cultural programs and written study guides for even the youngest ages. Guides for adults wishing to deepen their knowledge about Judaism are available as well. We’ll also offer our knowledge and insights online, in an easily accessible format, via the YI website.
Holocaust Awareness & Events
YI can connect your community to the best contemporary Jewish discussions on Jewish languages, culture, Holocaust studies, philosophy and ethics. We’ll make all the arrangements for these personal appearances, which can include book signings and question and answer session