Renowned entertainer and Jewish cultural activist Avi Hoffman, together with his mother, retired Columbia University professor, author, journalist and playwright, Miriam Hoffman present a celebration of ‘Yinglish’ - the unique American linguistic combination of Yiddish and English. From the over 5000 Yiddish words that have officially become a part of the English language, Miriam and Avi have fun with the stories and words that celebrate the idiomatic phenomenon that laid the foundation for modern mainstream culture.

The Roots of Paula Vogel’s Indecent / Yiddish Theatre: The Foundation of Modern Culture
Wendy Biksen2021-10-21T14:56:18-04:00The aim of the lecture is to offer a comprehensive historical overview of the development of the Yiddish Theater as a social and literary expression of the Yiddish language which served as the basis for much of modern mainstream culture.
God and the Holocaust
Wendy Biksen2021-10-21T14:57:06-04:00A lecture about the Pre-War and Post-War Jewish world in Europe and the relationship between Jews and their God in Holocaust literature, as depicted in the writings of the great Yiddish playwrights, poets and writers.
The Yiddish Shakespeares
Wendy Biksen2021-10-21T14:57:43-04:00This enlightening lecture presents an entertaining and educational evening introducing the depth and beauty of the great Yiddish writers.

Amazing Rabbinic Tales: The Shortest Tall Stories
Wendy Biksen2021-10-21T14:58:19-04:00Based on Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Folklore, these anecdotes and stories have been adapted and integrated into our American cultural mythology.
My Joe Papp
Wendy Biksen2021-10-21T14:58:54-04:00This enriching lecture describes the seven-year period that Professor Miriam and her son Avi Hoffman interacted and worked intimately with Joseph Papp, the most important and prominent Theatre impresario in America.