Thank You For Supporting:

Rena Berkowitz Borow
Corey & Rose Breier
Alvin Brown
Ira & Sally Chase
Samuel & Eva Cooperman
Florence & Michael Edelstein Family Foundation
Charles Gluck
Warren Grover
Alan Hagel
Miriam Hoffman
Bruce & Deborah Kaye
Marc Levin
Dr. Joan Liman
Beatrice Cummings Mayer
Mike Paul
Martin Peretz
John & Amy Israel Pregulman
Alvin & Emmelle Segal
Bruce Slovin
Iris Smith
Martin & Edith Stein
Julie Stone
Susan B. Glick Strumer
Bruce Warshal
Lea Wolinetz
Morton Wolkowitz
Dr. Bruce & Lesley Zafran
Murray Zedeck
For additional information about supporting our mission and helping YI Love Jewish bring knowledge, theatre, education, and joy to communities worldwide,
contact: Sheri Smith 561-254-5494