Shmoozing with Avi – Guest: Shari Wallack, author of “From Hell to Challah”

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In from hell to challah, Shari Wallack shares her inspiring, funny, and uplifting story through despair, survival, and mental emancipation during the chaos of 2020. Her journey begins inside a mental hospital and continues on a trip to eighteen destinations throughout the United States during the Covid-19 pandemic. She details her innermost thoughts, hopes, and fears while illustrating how she went from crippling depression to joy over a three-month period. 

Along with a multitude of colorful characters, Shari navigates an exciting and unusual voyage of self-discovery and healing. Among the useful lessons she learns along the way, she discovers that cooking and baking calm her. She provides the recipes that helped her through her struggles, with the hope that others will find the same much needed comfort. Shari’s heartwarming and humorous story from despair to joy shows that happiness and purpose can be found even in the most difficult of times.

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