“Remembering Kristallnacht” is a historical, artistic program to remembering the horrific night of November 9-10, 1938, and the violence committed by the Nazis throughout Germany and Austria against Jews and their property, which initiated the horrors of Nazi Germany and culminated in concentration camps across Europe.
“Remembering Kristallnacht” will commemorate the horrific events of 1938, and will feature the art of Martin Levin, an accomplished artist whose intricately-detailed miniature buildings are world-renowned. Levin is meticulously recreating many of the exterior features of the Jewish synagogues destroyed in Germany and Austria on Kristallnacht.
Levin has said this is his own personal “mitzvah” (“duty”) to ensure that those who died in the Holocaust will not be forgotten.
Joining the “Remembering Kristallnacht” program will be Robert Watson, the world-renowned, award-winning author, professor, historian and analyst for numerous national media outlets. Watson, a professor of American Studies at Lynn University in Boca Raton, has published three dozen books on history and politics and is considered one of the leading history scholars in the United States.